It's already 4th of March !
The time was like a rocket 'piuuu' or should I say it was as fast as lightning lol.
I started my first year degree since 25th of Feb.
Was struggling again whether to continue business courses or not cuz my friends told me that I should've chosen Design.
Well, I did have the talent to draw but that doesnt mean I'm creative enough. That's what bothering me.
But soon once again I realized that I have to take business.
It'll be hard to get jobs and achieve something unless I'm really a super talented person in design.
First semester of degree I'll be taking Quantitative Analysis (I dropped it just few days ago but I'll continue it during the Winter term, which means no semester break for me. Wuwu TT), Microeconomics, Accounting for Managers and Business Information System.
The first week of school opening was...okok lah.
Nothing to know more about, just assignments and stuffs we're going to learn.
Just hope that there's not too many assignments.. urghhh :(
Final exam consists of 60% over the 100%, it'll be tons of stresses. GOSH
Plus, I was expecting some handsome guys walking around the school. Unfortunately, what I saw all the way at school was... which made me think that: 古晋的帅哥全都死到哪里去了?!
Okay, skip the school things.
Dad was so worried about paying the school fees for the rest of my degree semesters.
He want me to study hard to get scholarships and free loans. Ok, that did motivate me.
Still, if I get those scholarships I can buy what I want. <-- obviously the main purpose of studying hard lol.
God didnt close any doors for me. He actually opened more for me.
I got both PTPTN loan and Yayasan.
Ptptn loan wont be fully supplying the fees so Yayasan will top up for the rest.
I was praying for the loans to be approved so that dad wont be that worried anymore.
God listens.
So then, no more worries.
Can you see how awesome is He ?
My Christian piano teacher was so good to me that she asked me if I would like to assist her in teaching theories and practical piano.
She said, leaning piano is a lifetime skill, you earn through those skills.
Yeah, that proves when those teachers teaching some other students in her house were all her students a.k.a my teachers.
She's not that old what. LOL
She offers them high pay. I mean, HIGH.
Where can you find a part time job with such a high pay that exceeds 2k ?!
Thank God I met this wonderful teacher.
Although she's strict sometimes, that stresses me out lol but she just wants her students to be good.
I'll repay her with my good results during piano exam. MUST !
I feel so blessed with everything that God gave me.
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